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Annual Fund Raising event Labor Day Weekend Plant Sale

If you'd like to get involved by supporting our garden club's efforts but aren't able to be onsite in the gardens, please consider a financial contribution. Checks made payable to the: Charlevoix Evening Garden Club can be sent to our PO Box at the following address. 


Charlevoix Evening Garden Club

PO BOX 354

Charlevoix, MI. 49720


As you purchase spring plants consider donating the containers they came in. We are always in need of the plastic containers to repot plants for our Labor Day Weekend plant sale.  


Autumn can be a wonderful time of year to plant or thin out your garden. We gladly accept donations of plants that can be sold at out annual fundraiser. Closer to the date we'll designate a few drop off sites. Reach out to us if you need a club member to pick up plants.  




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